Beautiful Deception Page 3
“Suck it.” One dark eyebrow arched at my order, and I growled as she slowed the pace of her hand. “I want your mouth on my dick. Now.”
I watched as she ran her tongue from base to tip, and my hips jerked upward. Still working my shaft, she took the crown in her mouth and swirled her tongue around it before sliding through the slit at the top. She licked up the bead of precum and made a sexy little sound.
There were times when Jules was still so shy, so reserved. But in bed... fuck. She was free and uninhibited and more than anything I could have ever dreamed of. She opened herself to me fully and gave as much as she took. She reveled in the pleasure we drew from one another’s bodies with insatiable need. Though we routinely had sex once a day—if not more—it wasn’t enough. My innocent little former virgin was a nymphomaniac, and I loved the hell out of it.
I fisted my hand in her hair and drew her back down to me. Her lips parted and I let out a hiss as she took me all the way in with one smooth motion. “Fuuuuuck!”
She pulled back and did it again, my cock bumping the back of her throat. I thrust my hips upward, and she made a little gagging sound, tears leaking from the corners of her eyes. I cupped her face in both hands and brushed away the tears with my thumbs. I lifted my hips, fucking her mouth, her pretty green gaze locked on mine as I moved. She took me deep, and the sight of my dick sliding between those cherry lips made me impossibly hard.
Her mouth felt like heaven, but I needed to be inside her. I needed to feel her muscles contracting and holding me close as her pussy flooded my cock.
I lifted her away and guided her over me. “Get your sexy ass up here.”
Hands braced on my pecs, she moved over my hips and straddled me. My shaft jutted up eagerly, and I sank my tongue into her mouth as I impaled her on my cock. Jules let out a sexy little sound as I filled her to the brim, and I tangled my tongue with hers. I tasted my lust on her, and the erotic sensation spurred me on. Her pussy was tight, still slightly swollen from her earlier release; it felt like coming home.
I curled my fingers into her hips as she began to move, slowly at first, then faster. Her inner walls constricted around me, spurring me on, and together we raced toward completion. She came first with a cry, and her head fell into the crook of my neck as her arms tightened around my shoulders.
Wrapping one arm around her waist, I flipped her over. She stared up at me, those gorgeous green eyes so full of lust and love and everything in between. I pulled out and thrust deep. Her back arched, and I laced our fingers together over her head. Eyes locked on hers, I fucked her hard and fast. I couldn’t wait any longer. My blood went hot, my dick hard every time I saw her, and it was an exercise in constraint trying to hold myself back.
A tingling sensation shot through my stomach, then lower, and my balls drew up tight as my dick swelled. Jules let out a little sigh of ecstasy as I grew harder. I wanted nothing more than to come inside her, watch our combined lovemaking drip out of her. But not yet.
Over the past two months, I’d mastered the pull-out method. She was sensitive to condoms, and we never talked about birth control. I knew she didn’t want to use it, but I wasn’t sure if it had more to do with the fact that she refused to put her name on anything or if she was against it due to personal or religious reasons. I felt like we were gambling every time we had sex, but I couldn’t bring myself to care. I wanted so fucking badly to fill her up with my seed so she’d grow round with my children. It sounded archaic and primitive, but I didn’t give a fuck.
With a ragged groan, I pulled out and thick ropes of hot cum spurted over her stomach. Jules’s tongue darted out to wet her lips, and I slid my free hand to the back of her neck and squeezed. I couldn’t resist. “One of these days, I’m going to come inside you, really make you mine.”
She nodded silently, and I took her mouth in a hard kiss before pushing off her. Reaching toward the nightstand, I swiped a handful of tissues from the box and cleaned up our lovemaking. I tossed them in the trash can beside the bed, then slid in next to her and pulled her close.
She curled onto her side, resting her head on my chest, and I dropped a kiss on the top of her head as she held up her left hand to examine the ring. It was the first time she’d really looked at it, and anxiety churned in my gut. I hoped she liked it. “What do you think?”
“I can’t believe this is really happening,” she said, her tone saturated with incredulity.
I captured her hand in one of mine, enjoying the way the diamond looked on her finger. “If you don’t like the style, we—”
“No!” She snatched her hand away and turned her head to look up at me. “I love this one.”
She turned her gaze back to the ring, and I pulled her closer, smiling against her silky hair.
I’d agonized over which ring to buy for hours, and I’d damn near driven the saleswoman crazy, asking to see hundreds of different rings. Finally, I’d settled on a vintage-looking band with a single carat diamond in the middle. It was feminine and pretty, and it reminded me of Jules. “I’m glad you like it.”
Her head nodded against my shoulder. “It’s perfect.”
Turning my head, I brushed my lips over the top of her head. She had that wrong; she was perfect. And I was never letting her go.
I practically skipped into Briarleigh the following morning, my heart swollen with love, my head in the clouds. The whole way down to work, I kept glancing at my left hand where it rested on the steering wheel. The diamond glinted in the morning sunlight, sending tiny rainbows over the interior of the car. I held my hand up in front of me once more, and an elated grin lifted my lips.
I hadn’t felt this happy in a long time. Maybe ever, if I was being entirely honest. Eric made me feel things I’d never experienced, and joy this pure was just one of them. He loved me for who I was, not who I could be. He’d accepted me wholly and without question when I showed up several months ago. Every day since then had been better than the last, and I looked forward to what our future might bring.
Yanking open the employee door, I hummed softly to myself as I strolled down the hallway to my new office. A huge grin split my face as I unlocked it and stepped inside. The walls were bare, and the only decoration was a small, fake potted plant that Mia had put in here, but I didn’t care. It was a space of my very own, a reminder of how much things had changed in just a few short months. No longer was I under my uncle’s watchful gaze, kept locked away in my bedroom until he could marry me off. I had a job I adored, amazing friends and coworkers, and a man I loved more than anything. What could be better than that?
I still couldn’t believe they’d done this for me. I glanced around the sparse space, debating how I wanted to decorate it. I sank into my chair, my gaze sliding over the sleek wooden desk, and I suddenly realized the most important thing it was missing. I needed a picture of Eric in here. We’d only actually been dating for a little over two months, but it felt like we’d known each other forever. I’d have to rectify the picture situation here soon. Eric would probably fight me on it; judging from the scant number of photos he had, I figured he wasn’t a fan of having his picture taken. Well, that was just too bad. I looked forward to whatever fight he would put up before he finally—inevitably—gave in. Mostly, though, I looked forward to the making up part of it.
It felt as if a smile had taken up permanent residence on my face today, and my cheeks ached from having been forced into the same position for so long. I massaged my jaw, grateful that I was in my own office where no one could see me. I probably looked like a deranged lunatic, but whatever. I couldn’t bring myself to care. Life was too good right now to let anyone get me down. I did, however, have work to do.
I dug my keys out as I stowed my purse in the bottom drawer of the desk, then I locked up my office and headed toward the pro shop. I unlocked the doors and propped them open, then moved over to the bank of lights to switch them on. Bright light flooded the room, and pride fil
led me as I looked around. Though I didn’t personally own the shop, I had done most of the work to get it up and running. My days now consisted mostly of making preparations for the spa, but one of my responsibilities was to manage the pro shop.
Most mornings, I would open the shop in preparation of customers and double check inventory. I liked to personally look over the new merchandise catalogs and select what I thought would sell best. Several catalogs lay on the desk, left out by whomever had closed last night. I picked one up and thumbed through it. I dogeared a few pages with apparel I liked so I could run it by Mia later. As if my thoughts conjured the woman, she strode through the double set of oak doors, looking harried.
“Hey. Thought I might find you in here. Sorry I’m late, I... overslept.”
She was the boss here, and she had no need to apologize to me, but it was one of the things I appreciated most about her. Despite co-owning a multi-million-dollar company, as well as Briarleigh, Mia was one of the most down to earth people I’d ever known. She always gave 110%, expecting more of herself than others.
My eyes narrowed as I stared at her. Her cheeks were flushed pink, and her hair was slightly disheveled, but I recognized the look in her eyes. I tried to bite back my smile but failed miserably. “Your shirt’s inside out.”
“Damn it,” she hissed, and I laughed.
“I think it’s cute that you guys can’t keep your hands off each other, even after all these years.”
Mia spoke as she moved past me to one of the fitting rooms so she could adjust her shirt. “I swear, my hormones are crazy right now. I want to have sex all the time.”
I laughed. “I can’t imagine Jack is complaining about that.”
Mia didn’t answer one way or the other, but her satisfied little smile when she exited the fitting room gave me my answer. “So what do we have on the agenda today? I told Carter we would have final figures for him by the end of the day.”
I passed her the magazine that I’d flipped through earlier. “Take a look at these and let me know what you think. I’d like to fill out a purchase request for some new stuff.”
She slipped the catalog from my fingers and began to flick through the pages I’d marked. “Oh,” she breathed. “I like this one.”
I peeked over the edge of the magazine and smiled when she complimented my favorite choice. Intentionally using my left hand, I pointed at it. “While we’re talking about new things...” I allowed my words to trail off.
“What’s...?” Her gaze slowly made its way up my pointer finger and across my knuckles to the sparkly diamond.
“Oh, my God!” She dropped the magazine, and it landed with the splat at our feet as she grabbed my hand. “Is this what I think it is?”
“Yes!” I cried as I bounced on my toes, unable to contain my excitement any longer. She let out a squeal then threw her arms around me in a fierce embrace. I hugged her back just as hard, elation filling me.
“Did I miss something?”
Mia and I pulled apart at the sound of Jack’s deep voice, and she squeezed my arm. “He finally proposed!”
The corner of Jack’s mouth lifted. “About damn time.”
My gaze bounced between them. “You guys knew?”
“Not for sure,” Mia assured me, “but I hoped he would.”
Jack inclined his head at me. “Congratulations.”
I couldn’t keep the smile off my face. “Thank you.”
Mia turned to me. “Guess we’ll put that special events room to good use. I have a great idea!” Her eyes lit up as she rushed on. “We can have a spring-themed ceremony, and I can photograph it for the website. It’ll be amazing. We’ll have Tara do the flowers and Rosie can cater—as long as you don’t mind.” She seemed to catch herself and bit her lower lip. “Sorry, I kind of got ahead of myself.”
As a professional photographer, Mia loved landscapes most of all, but she never passed up an opportunity to get good shots. She was responsible for all the photographs of Briarleigh, including aerial photos from a helicopter they’d rented one afternoon. She rode with Jack and Carter, the VP of Operations for the resort, who had heliskied down the mountain in celebration of the lodge opening. Her pictures now graced the website, drawing in customers from all over with images that showed how warm and inviting Briarleigh was.
She was amazing at what she did, there was no question about it. I was thrilled and so very grateful that she was willing to help set this up, but I still had to defer to Eric.
“Honestly,” I replied, “we haven’t even talked about it. I don’t know if he’ll want to have a ceremony or anything.”
As a child, I thought occasionally of what my wedding would be like. I always pictured myself walking down the aisle of the old stone church where I’d been baptized, the pews filled with family and friends as sunlight streamed through the stained glass windows. When my uncle had arranged my betrothal to a Bratva captain, that dream had soured. As long as Eric was the man beside me, I didn’t care how or where we tied the knot.
“Well, anything you want or need, just let me know.” Mia smiled softly. “I’m so glad you’re happy.”
I returned the sentiment. “Me, too.”
A sliver of guilt stabbed into my heart. I’d put it off for so long, but now it was time to open up. Eric deserved to know everything about his future wife, and I resolved to tell him—soon.
After work, I headed home, and I smiled when I saw Eric’s cruiser parked out front already. He often worked long hours, but he made it a point to try to spend as much time with me as possible.
I made my way inside, expecting to see him in the kitchen or living room, but both rooms were empty and dim. I toed off my boots, leaving them in the tray next to the door to dry, then dropped my keys in the bowl on the side table. A soft creak drew my attention to the hallway just off the kitchen, and I meandered in that direction. A small office was situated diagonally from the kitchen, and I quietly stepped up to the door.
Eric sat with his elbows propped on the desk as he stared intently at the sheaf of papers in front of him. I smiled. He got that way sometimes; he had an almost single-minded focus that wouldn’t allow him to rest until every detail had been sorted.
“You gonna stand there and stare at me all night?”
Eric didn’t bother to lift his head when he spoke, and my grin grew wider. “Maybe.”
Though I’d been hovering just off to the side, almost out of sight, he was acutely aware of everything around him at all times. I rounded the doorjamb and entered the office. “Are you hungry?”
He shoved his chair back and opened his arms, his eyes darkening with desire as he pulled me into his lap. “Starving.”
Arranging my knees on either side of his huge thighs, I straddled him and curved my arms around his neck. His mouth took mine in a brutal kiss, his hands already roaming over my back and sides. His fingers slipped beneath the hem of my sweater, and I lifted my arms, allowing him to draw it up and off. Deftly, he unsnapped my bra and pulled it off, then tossed it to the floor. His eyes took on a heated quality as he palmed my breasts, his rough thumbs brushing the sensitive peaks.
I sucked in a breath as he took one between his lips, and a bolt of lightning shot straight to my core. He fondled the other nipple with his free hand, teasing, tweaking until it was a tight point, and I writhed in his lap. His erection swelled beneath me, and I ground against it.
He let out a rough chuckle. “Not yet, pretty girl. Not until I get a taste of you. We’ve got all night, and I plan to make the most of every minute.”
Sliding my hands under her legs, I reveled in the feel of her ass cheeks filling my palms. I fucking loved her ass. Round and muscular and so goddamn sexy, I was pretty sure it was my favorite part of her. Maybe my second favorite, because her mouth was fucking phenomenal.
Shifting her to my forearm, I swept the papers on the desk out of the way and set her on the edge of the cool wood. She blinked sensu
ally at me, and she fell to her back when I gave her shoulder a gentle shove. I moved my hands to her waistband, and her hips lifted as I unsnapped the button and peeled them down her slender legs.
Her feet found the armrests of the chair and she lay there, spread wide open for me, clad only in a tiny pair of teal panties with butterflies all over them. My sweet, sexy little butterfly. I grinned at the image that popped into my head. Gone was the naïve young woman I’d found on the side of the road months ago. Just like a caterpillar morphing into a gorgeous, uninhibited butterfly, she’d come completely out of her shell for me and spread her wings.
I slid my hands up her inner thighs until I reached the most sensitive part of her. My gaze flicked to her face, and I saw her teeth buried in her lower lip.
“You ready for me?”
She nodded. It was a stupid question, really; she was always ready for me. Testing my theory, I slid one thumb beneath the edge of the material and swiped through her slit. Drenched.
Dropping back into the chair, my shoulders filling the space between her legs, I leaned forward and pulled the panties to the side. Inhaling her essence, I swiped through her folds, her taste exploding over my taste buds. She let out a little moan as I delved back in, my tongue spearing into her. Her pussy glistened, and I used my thumbs to spread her wider. Her legs trembled and pressed against my shoulders as I lapped up her sweetness. One hand fisted in my hair and her hips jumped as I flicked her clit with my tongue.
I’d felt her eyes on me the moment she approached the office. She rarely, if ever, entered what she considered my domain, but I was glad she’d chosen to do so tonight. The fantasy of fucking her right here on this desk had come to life with surprising force, and I couldn’t wait one more second to be inside her.